Why campaign buttons? Why bright colors and swirling patterns? Why mandalas?
Bright colors and patterns make me happy. As a former textile artist, I have a catalog of designs in my brain. The structure of radial symmetry, also known as radial balance, or mandalas, keeps things under control. I enjoy making work that is “pretty”, but I subvert first impressions by stealth. Looking more closely reveals (mostly) political slogans written on metal buttons and painted on wood. Many are informative- I’M PRO- CHOICE AND I VOTE, and many offer advice- REFUSE FASCISM. I aspire to political activism. Some materials I have used to create texture on my collages and sculptures include: beads, crushed glass, doll’s body parts, google eyes, metal buttons, nut shells, plastic gems, T pins, straight pins, sequins, hardware, acrylic gel.