As a politically inclined person, and a collector of small shiny objects, I have acquired bags full of metal campaign pins of varying sizes, colors, and sentiments. About ten years ago I began using this material in collages. In the current series, RESIST/PERSIST, I allowed myself to wallow in color, texture, and radial balance. The more I produced of these collages, the more people offered to give me their own collections of campaign pins. I love to combine disparate materials to see where they take me. In general, the pins’ messages support good liberal, feminist causes, such as education, unions, or health care. Every once in a while, I let an anomaly slip in- such as support for Rudolf Giuliani as mayor of New York City. I used to find this funny. Now, with the rise of T——-, it’s not amusing. I leave those messages in my collection because they remind me that there is a lot of scary activity out there in the world.